Contact Us

We’re here to listen to you!

Let's Learn & Travel With Paradigm

Learn a different language while visiting abroad.  An international guide will provide you with valuable information about the different ways of learning languages and their culture. U.S.A, Cuba, Ecuador, Brazil, Puerto Rico, China, Colombia  etc... 

​We’re ready to put our combined experience to work for you.

Welcome to Paradigm 

Paradigm is a language service provider, whose mission is to provide quality and professional services to our clients with our certified and qualified staff.

Paradigm Classes

Paradigm brings cultures together through different languages. Instruction by teachers that have the ability to offer learners a quality classroom experience.

Language Services

Virtual and on-site, both individual and group services. Certified and qualified staff. Teachers, interpreters and translators.


 (772) 617-0525 USA       ​​

Paradigm Services​